TODO ==== This file lists the TODO items stll pending for the 1.0 release. Active Items to work on: ------------------------ * update vfw & dshow decoder frontends - GUI isn't perfect for vfw and dshow still links against xvid.dll which doesn't export internal functions anymore because of the license change. * decide on vfw & dshow linking policy. presently we statically link, however this increases the size of zips/packages where both vfw & dshow are included. * update/fix CBR plugin - misses target bitrate, bitrate burst in static motion/high motion transistions * bug hunting (ed.gomez/sysKin) - xvidcore is still a place where bugs feel confortable * quant matrix usage (not thread nor instance safe) - i (ed.gomez) started an API change to matrix related functions (quant_mpeg_xxx). But the remaining problem is that matrices should be put in FRAMEINFO structures, and matrices should be pushed down through many function calls. I had no idea how to do that w/o hacking nastly. * docbook writing (ed.gomez) - New API has to be documented. * two pass code should not introduce quality regressions (every tester) Already completed items: ------------------------ * remove divx4 api (ed.gomez) * remove VOP_TYPE enumerations (peter) * remove HINTed ME stuff (ed.gomez) * xvid_image_t/xvid_gbl_convert_t (peter) * xvid_global structs (peter) * errors codes (peter) * xvid_decoder structs (peter) * apply encoder api changes "HEAPS" (peter) * rawdec (use xvid_decraw instead) (ed.gomez) * Support for GMC 3 warp points (christoph) * New Qpel code (michael) * ME splitting and ME improvements (sysKin) * New unix build process (ed.gomez) * New thread/instance safe sse2 code (p.massimino) * INSTALL guide for Unix and Win32 (ed.gomez) * dshow static link to libxvidcore.lib (peter) * update/fix Lumimasking (sysKin) Last edited: $Date: 2003/11/22 15:31:28 $