[cvs] / xvidcore / src / dct / ia64_asm Repository:
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Index of /xvidcore/src/dct/ia64_asm

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File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
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fdct_ia64.s  1.5  21 years  edgomez  Moved dev-api-3 to HEAD -- Nasty but efficient -- Merging work has been done too...
idct_ia64_ecc.s  1.1  22 years  ia64p  fix for a bug in the ia64 idct, that prevents compilation with intel ecc
idct_ia64_gcc.s  1.1  22 years  ia64p  fix for a bug in the ia64 idct, that prevents compilation with intel ecc
idct_fini.s  1.1  22 years  ia64p  itanium idct generator
genidct.py  1.2  22 years  ia64p  itanium idct generator
idct_init.s  1.1  22 years  ia64p  itanium idct generator
idct_ia64.s (dead) No revisions exist on release-1_1_0

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