/***************************************************************************** * * XVID MPEG-4 VIDEO CODEC * - GMC interpolation module - * * Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pascal Massimino * * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program ; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id: gmc.c,v 1.9 2008/11/27 16:31:48 Isibaar Exp $ * ****************************************************************************/ #include "../portab.h" #include "../global.h" #include "../encoder.h" #include "gmc.h" #include "../utils/emms.h" #include /* initialized by init_GMC(), for 3points */ static void (*Predict_16x16_func)(const NEW_GMC_DATA * const This, uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, int dststride, int srcstride, int x, int y, int rounding) = 0; static void (*Predict_8x8_func)(const NEW_GMC_DATA * const This, uint8_t *uDst, const uint8_t *uSrc, uint8_t *vDst, const uint8_t *vSrc, int dststride, int srcstride, int x, int y, int rounding) = 0; /****************************************************************************/ /* this is borrowed from bitstream.c until we find a common solution */ static uint32_t __inline log2bin(uint32_t value) { /* Changed by Chenm001 */ #if !defined(_MSC_VER) int n = 0; while (value) { value >>= 1; n++; } return n; #else __asm { bsr eax, value inc eax } #endif } /* 16*sizeof(int) -> 1 or 2 cachelines */ /* table lookup might be faster! (still to be benchmarked) */ /* static int log2bin_table[16] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4}; */ /* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 */ #define RDIV(a,b) (((a)>0 ? (a) + ((b)>>1) : (a) - ((b)>>1))/(b)) #define RSHIFT(a,b) ( (a)>0 ? ((a) + (1<<((b)-1)))>>(b) : ((a) + (1<<((b)-1))-1)>>(b)) #define MLT(i) (((16-(i))<<16) + (i)) static const uint32_t MTab[16] = { MLT( 0), MLT( 1), MLT( 2), MLT( 3), MLT( 4), MLT( 5), MLT( 6), MLT( 7), MLT( 8), MLT( 9), MLT(10), MLT(11), MLT(12), MLT(13), MLT(14), MLT(15) }; #undef MLT /* ************************************************************ * Pts = 2 or 3 * * Warning! *src is the global frame pointer (that is: adress * of pixel 0,0), not the macroblock one. * Conversely, *dst is the macroblock top-left adress. */ static void Predict_16x16_C(const NEW_GMC_DATA * const This, uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, int dststride, int srcstride, int x, int y, int rounding) { const int W = This->sW; const int H = This->sH; const int rho = 3 - This->accuracy; const int Rounder = ( (1<<7) - (rounding<<(2*rho)) ) << 16; const int dUx = This->dU[0]; const int dVx = This->dV[0]; const int dUy = This->dU[1]; const int dVy = This->dV[1]; int Uo = This->Uo + 16*(dUy*y + dUx*x); int Vo = This->Vo + 16*(dVy*y + dVx*x); int i, j; dst += 16; for (j=16; j>0; --j) { int U = Uo, V = Vo; Uo += dUy; Vo += dVy; for (i=-16; i<0; ++i) { unsigned int f0, f1, ri = 16, rj = 16; int Offset; int u = ( U >> 16 ) << rho; int v = ( V >> 16 ) << rho; U += dUx; V += dVx; if (u > 0 && u <= W) { ri = MTab[u&15]; Offset = u>>4; } else { if (u > W) Offset = W>>4; else Offset = 0; ri = MTab[0]; } if (v > 0 && v <= H) { rj = MTab[v&15]; Offset += (v>>4)*srcstride; } else { if (v > H) Offset += (H>>4)*srcstride; rj = MTab[0]; } f0 = src[Offset + 0]; f0 |= src[Offset + 1] << 16; f1 = src[Offset + srcstride + 0]; f1 |= src[Offset + srcstride + 1] << 16; f0 = (ri*f0)>>16; f1 = (ri*f1) & 0x0fff0000; f0 |= f1; f0 = (rj*f0 + Rounder) >> 24; dst[i] = (uint8_t)f0; } dst += dststride; } } static void Predict_8x8_C(const NEW_GMC_DATA * const This, uint8_t *uDst, const uint8_t *uSrc, uint8_t *vDst, const uint8_t *vSrc, int dststride, int srcstride, int x, int y, int rounding) { const int W = This->sW >> 1; const int H = This->sH >> 1; const int rho = 3-This->accuracy; const int32_t Rounder = ( 128 - (rounding<<(2*rho)) ) << 16; const int32_t dUx = This->dU[0]; const int32_t dVx = This->dV[0]; const int32_t dUy = This->dU[1]; const int32_t dVy = This->dV[1]; int32_t Uo = This->Uco + 8*(dUy*y + dUx*x); int32_t Vo = This->Vco + 8*(dVy*y + dVx*x); int i, j; uDst += 8; vDst += 8; for (j=8; j>0; --j) { int32_t U = Uo, V = Vo; Uo += dUy; Vo += dVy; for (i=-8; i<0; ++i) { int Offset; uint32_t f0, f1, ri, rj; int32_t u, v; u = ( U >> 16 ) << rho; v = ( V >> 16 ) << rho; U += dUx; V += dVx; if (u > 0 && u <= W) { ri = MTab[u&15]; Offset = u>>4; } else { if (u>W) Offset = W>>4; else Offset = 0; ri = MTab[0]; } if (v > 0 && v <= H) { rj = MTab[v&15]; Offset += (v>>4)*srcstride; } else { if (v>H) Offset += (H>>4)*srcstride; rj = MTab[0]; } f0 = uSrc[Offset + 0]; f0 |= uSrc[Offset + 1] << 16; f1 = uSrc[Offset + srcstride + 0]; f1 |= uSrc[Offset + srcstride + 1] << 16; f0 = (ri*f0)>>16; f1 = (ri*f1) & 0x0fff0000; f0 |= f1; f0 = (rj*f0 + Rounder) >> 24; uDst[i] = (uint8_t)f0; f0 = vSrc[Offset + 0]; f0 |= vSrc[Offset + 1] << 16; f1 = vSrc[Offset + srcstride + 0]; f1 |= vSrc[Offset + srcstride + 1] << 16; f0 = (ri*f0)>>16; f1 = (ri*f1) & 0x0fff0000; f0 |= f1; f0 = (rj*f0 + Rounder) >> 24; vDst[i] = (uint8_t)f0; } uDst += dststride; vDst += dststride; } } static void get_average_mv_C(const NEW_GMC_DATA * const Dsp, VECTOR * const mv, int x, int y, int qpel) { int i, j; int vx = 0, vy = 0; int32_t uo = Dsp->Uo + 16*(Dsp->dU[1]*y + Dsp->dU[0]*x); int32_t vo = Dsp->Vo + 16*(Dsp->dV[1]*y + Dsp->dV[0]*x); for (j=16; j>0; --j) { int32_t U, V; U = uo; uo += Dsp->dU[1]; V = vo; vo += Dsp->dV[1]; for (i=16; i>0; --i) { int32_t u,v; u = U >> 16; U += Dsp->dU[0]; vx += u; v = V >> 16; V += Dsp->dV[0]; vy += v; } } vx -= (256*x+120) << (5+Dsp->accuracy); /* 120 = 15*16/2 */ vy -= (256*y+120) << (5+Dsp->accuracy); mv->x = RSHIFT( vx, 8+Dsp->accuracy - qpel ); mv->y = RSHIFT( vy, 8+Dsp->accuracy - qpel ); } /* ************************************************************ * simplified version for 1 warp point */ static void Predict_1pt_16x16_C(const NEW_GMC_DATA * const This, uint8_t *Dst, const uint8_t *Src, int dststride, int srcstride, int x, int y, int rounding) { const int W = This->sW; const int H = This->sH; const int rho = 3-This->accuracy; const int32_t Rounder = ( 128 - (rounding<<(2*rho)) ) << 16; int32_t uo = This->Uo + (x<<8); /* ((16*x)<<4) */ int32_t vo = This->Vo + (y<<8); uint32_t ri = MTab[uo & 15]; uint32_t rj = MTab[vo & 15]; int i, j; int32_t Offset; if (vo>=(-16<<4) && vo<=H) Offset = (vo>>4)*srcstride; else { if (vo>H) Offset = ( H>>4)*srcstride; else Offset =-16*srcstride; rj = MTab[0]; } if (uo>=(-16<<4) && uo<=W) Offset += (uo>>4); else { if (uo>W) Offset += (W>>4); else Offset -= 16; ri = MTab[0]; } Dst += 16; for(j=16; j>0; --j, Offset+=srcstride-16) { for(i=-16; i<0; ++i, ++Offset) { uint32_t f0, f1; f0 = Src[ Offset +0 ]; f0 |= Src[ Offset +1 ] << 16; f1 = Src[ Offset+srcstride +0 ]; f1 |= Src[ Offset+srcstride +1 ] << 16; f0 = (ri*f0)>>16; f1 = (ri*f1) & 0x0fff0000; f0 |= f1; f0 = ( rj*f0 + Rounder ) >> 24; Dst[i] = (uint8_t)f0; } Dst += dststride; } } static void Predict_1pt_8x8_C(const NEW_GMC_DATA * const This, uint8_t *uDst, const uint8_t *uSrc, uint8_t *vDst, const uint8_t *vSrc, int dststride, int srcstride, int x, int y, int rounding) { const int W = This->sW >> 1; const int H = This->sH >> 1; const int rho = 3-This->accuracy; const int32_t Rounder = ( 128 - (rounding<<(2*rho)) ) << 16; int32_t uo = This->Uco + (x<<7); int32_t vo = This->Vco + (y<<7); uint32_t rri = MTab[uo & 15]; uint32_t rrj = MTab[vo & 15]; int i, j; int32_t Offset; if (vo>=(-8<<4) && vo<=H) Offset = (vo>>4)*srcstride; else { if (vo>H) Offset = ( H>>4)*srcstride; else Offset =-8*srcstride; rrj = MTab[0]; } if (uo>=(-8<<4) && uo<=W) Offset += (uo>>4); else { if (uo>W) Offset += ( W>>4); else Offset -= 8; rri = MTab[0]; } uDst += 8; vDst += 8; for(j=8; j>0; --j, Offset+=srcstride-8) { for(i=-8; i<0; ++i, Offset++) { uint32_t f0, f1; f0 = uSrc[ Offset + 0 ]; f0 |= uSrc[ Offset + 1 ] << 16; f1 = uSrc[ Offset + srcstride + 0 ]; f1 |= uSrc[ Offset + srcstride + 1 ] << 16; f0 = (rri*f0)>>16; f1 = (rri*f1) & 0x0fff0000; f0 |= f1; f0 = ( rrj*f0 + Rounder ) >> 24; uDst[i] = (uint8_t)f0; f0 = vSrc[ Offset + 0 ]; f0 |= vSrc[ Offset + 1 ] << 16; f1 = vSrc[ Offset + srcstride + 0 ]; f1 |= vSrc[ Offset + srcstride + 1 ] << 16; f0 = (rri*f0)>>16; f1 = (rri*f1) & 0x0fff0000; f0 |= f1; f0 = ( rrj*f0 + Rounder ) >> 24; vDst[i] = (uint8_t)f0; } uDst += dststride; vDst += dststride; } } static void get_average_mv_1pt_C(const NEW_GMC_DATA * const Dsp, VECTOR * const mv, int x, int y, int qpel) { mv->x = RSHIFT(Dsp->Uo<y = RSHIFT(Dsp->Vo<>4) + (v>>4)*srcstride; f0 = Src[0]; f0 |= Src[1] << 16; f1 = Src[srcstride +0]; f1 |= Src[srcstride +1] << 16; f0 = (ri*f0)>>16; f1 = (ri*f1) & 0x0fff0000; f0 |= f1; f0 = ( rj*f0 + Rounder ) >> 24; Dst[i] = (uint8_t)f0; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void Predict_16x16_mmx(const NEW_GMC_DATA * const This, uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, int dststride, int srcstride, int x, int y, int rounding) { const int W = This->sW; const int H = This->sH; const int rho = 3 - This->accuracy; const int Rounder = ( 128 - (rounding<<(2*rho)) ) << 16; const uint32_t W2 = W<<(16-rho); const uint32_t H2 = H<<(16-rho); const int dUx = This->dU[0]; const int dVx = This->dV[0]; const int dUy = This->dU[1]; const int dVy = This->dV[1]; int Uo = This->Uo + 16*(dUy*y + dUx*x); int Vo = This->Vo + 16*(dVy*y + dVx*x); int i, j; DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Offsets, 2,16, uint16_t, CACHE_LINE); for(j=16; j>0; --j) { int32_t U = Uo, V = Vo; Uo += dUy; Vo += dVy; if ( W2>(uint32_t)U && W2>(uint32_t)(U+15*dUx) && H2>(uint32_t)V && H2>(uint32_t)(V+15*dVx) ) { uint32_t UV1, UV2; for(i=0; i<16; ++i) { uint32_t u = ( U >> 16 ) << rho; uint32_t v = ( V >> 16 ) << rho; U += dUx; V += dVx; Offsets[ i] = u; Offsets[16+i] = v; } // batch 8 input pixels when linearity says it's ok UV1 = (Offsets[0] | (Offsets[16]<<16)) & 0xfff0fff0U; UV2 = (Offsets[7] | (Offsets[23]<<16)) & 0xfff0fff0U; if (UV1+7*16==UV2) GMC_Core_Lin_8(dst, Offsets, src + (Offsets[0]>>4) + (Offsets[16]>>4)*srcstride, srcstride, Rounder); else GMC_Core_Non_Lin_8(dst, Offsets, src, srcstride, Rounder); UV1 = (Offsets[ 8] | (Offsets[24]<<16)) & 0xfff0fff0U; UV2 = (Offsets[15] | (Offsets[31]<<16)) & 0xfff0fff0U; if (UV1+7*16==UV2) GMC_Core_Lin_8(dst+8, Offsets+8, src + (Offsets[8]>>4) + (Offsets[24]>>4)*srcstride, srcstride, Rounder); else GMC_Core_Non_Lin_8(dst+8, Offsets+8, src, srcstride, Rounder); } else { for(i=0; i<16; ++i) { int u = ( U >> 16 ) << rho; int v = ( V >> 16 ) << rho; U += dUx; V += dVx; Offsets[ i] = (u<0) ? 0 : (u>=W) ? W : u; Offsets[16+i] = (v<0) ? 0 : (v>=H) ? H : v; } // due to boundary clipping, we cannot infer the 8-pixels batchability // simply by using the linearity. Oh well, not a big deal... GMC_Core_Non_Lin_8(dst, Offsets, src, srcstride, Rounder); GMC_Core_Non_Lin_8(dst+8, Offsets+8, src, srcstride, Rounder); } dst += dststride; } } static void Predict_8x8_mmx(const NEW_GMC_DATA * const This, uint8_t *uDst, const uint8_t *uSrc, uint8_t *vDst, const uint8_t *vSrc, int dststride, int srcstride, int x, int y, int rounding) { const int W = This->sW >> 1; const int H = This->sH >> 1; const int rho = 3-This->accuracy; const int32_t Rounder = ( 128 - (rounding<<(2*rho)) ) << 16; const uint32_t W2 = W<<(16-rho); const uint32_t H2 = H<<(16-rho); const int dUx = This->dU[0]; const int dVx = This->dV[0]; const int dUy = This->dU[1]; const int dVy = This->dV[1]; int Uo = This->Uco + 8*(dUy*y + dUx*x); int Vo = This->Vco + 8*(dVy*y + dVx*x); DECLARE_ALIGNED_MATRIX(Offsets, 2,16, uint16_t, CACHE_LINE); int i, j; for(j=8; j>0; --j) { int32_t U = Uo, V = Vo; Uo += dUy; Vo += dVy; if ( W2>(uint32_t)U && W2>(uint32_t)(U+15*dUx) && H2>(uint32_t)V && H2>(uint32_t)(V+15*dVx) ) { uint32_t UV1, UV2; for(i=0; i<8; ++i) { int32_t u = ( U >> 16 ) << rho; int32_t v = ( V >> 16 ) << rho; U += dUx; V += dVx; Offsets[ i] = u; Offsets[16+i] = v; } // batch 8 input pixels when linearity says it's ok UV1 = (Offsets[ 0] | (Offsets[16]<<16)) & 0xfff0fff0U; UV2 = (Offsets[ 7] | (Offsets[23]<<16)) & 0xfff0fff0U; if (UV1+7*16==UV2) { const uint32_t Off = (Offsets[0]>>4) + (Offsets[16]>>4)*srcstride; GMC_Core_Lin_8(uDst, Offsets, uSrc+Off, srcstride, Rounder); GMC_Core_Lin_8(vDst, Offsets, vSrc+Off, srcstride, Rounder); } else { GMC_Core_Non_Lin_8(uDst, Offsets, uSrc, srcstride, Rounder); GMC_Core_Non_Lin_8(vDst, Offsets, vSrc, srcstride, Rounder); } } else { for(i=0; i<8; ++i) { int u = ( U >> 16 ) << rho; int v = ( V >> 16 ) << rho; U += dUx; V += dVx; Offsets[ i] = (u<0) ? 0 : (u>=W) ? W : u; Offsets[16+i] = (v<0) ? 0 : (v>=H) ? H : v; } GMC_Core_Non_Lin_8(uDst, Offsets, uSrc, srcstride, Rounder); GMC_Core_Non_Lin_8(vDst, Offsets, vSrc, srcstride, Rounder); } uDst += dststride; vDst += dststride; } } #endif /* ARCH_IS_IA32 */ /* ************************************************************* * will initialize internal pointers */ void init_GMC(const unsigned int cpu_flags) { Predict_16x16_func = Predict_16x16_C; Predict_8x8_func = Predict_8x8_C; #if defined(ARCH_IS_IA32) || defined(ARCH_IS_X86_64) if ((cpu_flags & XVID_CPU_MMX) || (cpu_flags & XVID_CPU_MMXEXT) || (cpu_flags & XVID_CPU_3DNOW) || (cpu_flags & XVID_CPU_3DNOWEXT) || (cpu_flags & XVID_CPU_SSE) || (cpu_flags & XVID_CPU_SSE2) || (cpu_flags & XVID_CPU_SSE3) || (cpu_flags & XVID_CPU_SSE41)) { Predict_16x16_func = Predict_16x16_mmx; Predict_8x8_func = Predict_8x8_mmx; if (cpu_flags & XVID_CPU_SSE41) GMC_Core_Lin_8 = xvid_GMC_Core_Lin_8_sse41; else if (cpu_flags & XVID_CPU_SSE2) GMC_Core_Lin_8 = xvid_GMC_Core_Lin_8_sse2; else GMC_Core_Lin_8 = xvid_GMC_Core_Lin_8_mmx; } #endif } /* ************************************************************* * Warning! It's Accuracy being passed, not 'resolution'! */ void generate_GMCparameters( int nb_pts, const int accuracy, const WARPPOINTS *const pts, const int width, const int height, NEW_GMC_DATA *const gmc) { gmc->sW = width << 4; gmc->sH = height << 4; gmc->accuracy = accuracy; gmc->num_wp = nb_pts; /* reduce the number of points, if possible */ if (nb_pts<2 || (pts->duv[2].x==0 && pts->duv[2].y==0 && pts->duv[1].x==0 && pts->duv[1].y==0 )) { if (nb_pts<2 || (pts->duv[1].x==0 && pts->duv[1].y==0)) { if (nb_pts<1 || (pts->duv[0].x==0 && pts->duv[0].y==0)) { nb_pts = 0; } else nb_pts = 1; } else nb_pts = 2; } /* now, nb_pts stores the actual number of points required for interpolation */ if (nb_pts<=1) { if (nb_pts==1) { /* store as 4b fixed point */ gmc->Uo = pts->duv[0].x << accuracy; gmc->Vo = pts->duv[0].y << accuracy; gmc->Uco = ((pts->duv[0].x>>1) | (pts->duv[0].x&1)) << accuracy; /* DIV2RND() */ gmc->Vco = ((pts->duv[0].y>>1) | (pts->duv[0].y&1)) << accuracy; /* DIV2RND() */ } else { /* zero points?! */ gmc->Uo = gmc->Vo = 0; gmc->Uco = gmc->Vco = 0; } gmc->predict_16x16 = Predict_1pt_16x16_C; gmc->predict_8x8 = Predict_1pt_8x8_C; gmc->get_average_mv = get_average_mv_1pt_C; } else { /* 2 or 3 points */ const int rho = 3 - accuracy; /* = {3,2,1,0} for Acc={0,1,2,3} */ int Alpha = log2bin(width-1); int Ws = 1 << Alpha; gmc->dU[0] = 16*Ws + RDIV( 8*Ws*pts->duv[1].x, width ); /* dU/dx */ gmc->dV[0] = RDIV( 8*Ws*pts->duv[1].y, width ); /* dV/dx */ if (nb_pts==2) { gmc->dU[1] = -gmc->dV[0]; /* -Sin */ gmc->dV[1] = gmc->dU[0] ; /* Cos */ } else { const int Beta = log2bin(height-1); const int Hs = 1<dU[1] = RDIV( 8*Hs*pts->duv[2].x, height ); /* dU/dy */ gmc->dV[1] = 16*Hs + RDIV( 8*Hs*pts->duv[2].y, height ); /* dV/dy */ if (Beta>Alpha) { gmc->dU[0] <<= (Beta-Alpha); gmc->dV[0] <<= (Beta-Alpha); Alpha = Beta; Ws = Hs; } else { gmc->dU[1] <<= Alpha - Beta; gmc->dV[1] <<= Alpha - Beta; } } /* upscale to 16b fixed-point */ gmc->dU[0] <<= (16-Alpha - rho); gmc->dU[1] <<= (16-Alpha - rho); gmc->dV[0] <<= (16-Alpha - rho); gmc->dV[1] <<= (16-Alpha - rho); gmc->Uo = ( pts->duv[0].x <<(16+ accuracy)) + (1<<15); gmc->Vo = ( pts->duv[0].y <<(16+ accuracy)) + (1<<15); gmc->Uco = ((pts->duv[0].x-1)<<(17+ accuracy)) + (1<<17); gmc->Vco = ((pts->duv[0].y-1)<<(17+ accuracy)) + (1<<17); gmc->Uco = (gmc->Uco + gmc->dU[0] + gmc->dU[1])>>2; gmc->Vco = (gmc->Vco + gmc->dV[0] + gmc->dV[1])>>2; gmc->predict_16x16 = Predict_16x16_func; gmc->predict_8x8 = Predict_8x8_func; gmc->get_average_mv = get_average_mv_C; } } /* ******************************************************************* * quick and dirty routine to generate the full warped image * (pGMC != NULL) or just all average Motion Vectors (pGMC == NULL) */ void generate_GMCimage( const NEW_GMC_DATA *const gmc_data, /* [input] precalculated data */ const IMAGE *const pRef, /* [input] */ const int mb_width, const int mb_height, const int stride, const int stride2, const int fcode, /* [input] some parameters... */ const int32_t quarterpel, /* [input] for rounding avgMV */ const int reduced_resolution, /* [input] ignored */ const int32_t rounding, /* [input] for rounding image data */ MACROBLOCK *const pMBs, /* [output] average motion vectors */ IMAGE *const pGMC) /* [output] full warped image */ { unsigned int mj,mi; VECTOR avgMV; for (mj = 0; mj < (unsigned int)mb_height; mj++) for (mi = 0; mi < (unsigned int)mb_width; mi++) { const int mbnum = mj*mb_width+mi; if (pGMC) { gmc_data->predict_16x16(gmc_data, pGMC->y + mj*16*stride + mi*16, pRef->y, stride, stride, mi, mj, rounding); gmc_data->predict_8x8(gmc_data, pGMC->u + mj*8*stride2 + mi*8, pRef->u, pGMC->v + mj*8*stride2 + mi*8, pRef->v, stride2, stride2, mi, mj, rounding); } gmc_data->get_average_mv(gmc_data, &avgMV, mi, mj, quarterpel); pMBs[mbnum].amv.x = gmc_sanitize(avgMV.x, quarterpel, fcode); pMBs[mbnum].amv.y = gmc_sanitize(avgMV.y, quarterpel, fcode); pMBs[mbnum].mcsel = 0; /* until mode decision */ } emms(); }