/****************************************************************************** * * XviD Bit Rate Controller Library * - VBR 2 pass bitrate controler implementation - * * Copyright (C) 2002 Edouard Gomez * * The curve treatment algorithm is the one implemented by Foxer and * Dirk Knop for the XviD vfw dynamic library. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id: plugin_2pass2.c,v 2003/03/25 10:58:33 suxen_drol Exp $ * *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #define RAD2DEG 57.295779513082320876798154814105 #define DEG2RAD 0.017453292519943295769236907684886 #include "../xvid.h" #include "../image/image.h" typedef struct { int type; /* first pass type */ int quant; /* first pass quant */ int length; /* first pass length */ int scaled_length; /* scaled length */ int desired_length; } stat_t; /* context struct */ typedef struct { xvid_plugin_2pass2_t param; /* constant statistical data */ int num_frames; int num_keyframes; int count[3]; /* count of each frame types */ uint64_t tot_length[3]; /* total length of each frame types */ double avg_length[3]; /* avg */ int min_length[3]; /* min frame length of each frame types */ uint64_t tot_scaled_length[3]; /* total scaled length of each frame type */ int max_length; /* max frame size */ double curve_comp_scale; double movie_curve; double alt_curve_low; double alt_curve_high; double alt_curve_low_diff; double alt_curve_high_diff; double alt_curve_curve_bias_bonus; double alt_curve_mid_qual; double alt_curve_qual_dev; /* dynamic */ int * keyframe_locations; stat_t * stats; double pquant_error[32]; double bquant_error[32]; int quant_count[32]; int last_quant[3]; double curve_comp_error; int overflow; int KFoverflow; int KFoverflow_partial; int KF_idx; } rc_2pass2_t; #define BUF_SZ 1024 #define MAX_COLS 5 /* open stats file, and count num frames */ static int det_stats_length(rc_2pass2_t * rc, char * filename) { FILE * f; int n, ignore; char type; rc->num_frames = 0; rc->num_keyframes = 0; if ((f = fopen(filename, "rt")) == NULL) return 0; while((n = fscanf(f, "%c %d %d %d %d %d\n", &type, &ignore, &ignore, &ignore, &ignore, &ignore)) != EOF) { if (type == 'i') { rc->num_frames++; rc->num_keyframes++; }else if (type == 'p' || type == 'b' || type == 's') { rc->num_frames++; } } fclose(f); return 1; } /* open stats file(s) and read into rc->stats array */ static int load_stats(rc_2pass2_t *rc, char * filename1, char * filename2) { FILE * f1, *f2; int i; if ((f1 = fopen(filename1, "rt"))==NULL) return 0; if ((f2 = fopen(filename2, "rt"))==NULL) { fclose(f1); return 0; } i = 0; while(i < rc->num_frames) { stat_t * s = &rc->stats[i]; int n, ignore; char type; n = fscanf(f1, "%c %d %d %d %d %d\n", &type, &s->quant, &s->length, &ignore, &ignore, &ignore); if (n == EOF) break; if (type == 'i') { s->type = XVID_TYPE_IVOP; }else if (type == 'p' || type == 's') { s->type = XVID_TYPE_PVOP; }else if (type == 'b') { s->type = XVID_TYPE_BVOP; }else{ /* unknown type */ printf("unk\n"); continue; } n = fscanf(f2, "%c %d %d %d %d %d\n", &type, &ignore, &s->scaled_length, &ignore, &ignore, &ignore); if (n == EOF) break; if (type != 'i'&& type != 'p' && type != 'b' && type != 's') { printf("unk\n"); continue; /* unknown type */ } i++; } rc->num_frames = i; fclose(f1); if (filename2) fclose(f2); return 1; } /*static void internal_scale(rc_2pass2_t *rc) { const double avg_pvop = rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; const double avg_bvop = rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]; const uint64_t tot_pvop = rc->tot_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; const uint64_t tot_bvop = rc->tot_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]; uint64_t i_total = 0; double total1,total2; int i; for (i=0; inum_frames; i++) { stat_t * s = &rc->stats[i]; if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { i_total += s->length + s->length * rc->param.keyframe_boost / 100; } } // compensate for avi frame overhead rc->target_size -= rc->num_frames * 24; // perform prepass to compensate for over/undersizing if (rc->param.use_alt_curve) { rc->alt_curve_low = avg_pvop - avg_pvop * (double)rc->param.alt_curve_low_dist / 100.0; rc->alt_curve_low_diff = avg_pvop - rc->alt_curve_low; rc->alt_curve_high = avg_pvop + avg_pvop * (double)rc->param.alt_curve_high_dist / 100.0; rc->alt_curve_high_diff = rc->alt_curve_high - avg_pvop; if (rc->alt_curve_use_auto) { if (rc->movie_curve > 1.0) { rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual = (int)(100.0 - (100.0 - 100.0 / rc->movie_curve) * (double)rc->param.alt_curve_auto_str / 100.0); if (rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual < 20) rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual = 20; }else{ rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual = 100; } } rc->alt_curve_mid_qual = (1.0 + (double)rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual / 100.0) / 2.0; rc->alt_curve_qual_dev = 1.0 - rc->alt_curve_mid_qual; if (rc->param.alt_curve_low_dist > 100) { switch(rc->param.alt_curve_type) { case XVID_CURVE_SINE : // Sine Curve (high aggressiveness) rc->alt_curve_qual_dev *= 2.0 / (1.0 + sin(DEG2RAD * (avg_pvop * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff))); rc->alt_curve_mid_qual = 1.0 - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * sin(DEG2RAD * (avg_pvop * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff)); break; case XVID_CURVE_LINEAR : // Linear (medium aggressiveness) rc->alt_curve_qual_dev *= 2.0 / (1.0 + avg_pvop / rc->alt_curve_low_diff); rc->alt_curve_mid_qual = 1.0 - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * avg_pvop / rc->alt_curve_low_diff; break; case XVID_CURVE_COSINE : // Cosine Curve (low aggressiveness) rc->alt_curve_qual_dev *= 2.0 / (1.0 + (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * (avg_pvop * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff)))); rc->alt_curve_mid_qual = 1.0 - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * (avg_pvop * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff))); } } } total1 = 0; total2 = 0; for (i=0; inum_frames; i++) { stat_t * s = &rc->stats[i]; if (s->type != XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { double dbytes = s->length / rc->movie_curve; double dbytes2; total1 += dbytes; if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) dbytes *= avg_pvop / avg_bvop; if (rc->param.use_alt_curve) { if (dbytes > avg_pvop) { if (dbytes >= rc->alt_curve_high) { dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev); }else{ switch(rc->param.alt_curve_type){ case XVID_CURVE_SINE : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * sin(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - avg_pvop) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_high_diff))); break; case XVID_CURVE_LINEAR : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (dbytes - avg_pvop) / rc->alt_curve_high_diff); break; case XVID_CURVE_COSINE : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - avg_pvop) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_high_diff)))); } } }else{ if (dbytes <= rc->alt_curve_low){ dbytes2 = dbytes; }else{ switch(rc->param.alt_curve_type){ case XVID_CURVE_SINE : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * sin(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - avg_pvop) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff))); break; case XVID_CURVE_LINEAR : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (dbytes - avg_pvop) / rc->alt_curve_low_diff); break; case XVID_CURVE_COSINE : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual + rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - avg_pvop) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff)))); } } } }else{ if (dbytes > avg_pvop) { dbytes2 = ((double)dbytes + (avg_pvop - dbytes) * rc->param.curve_compression_high / 100.0); }else{ dbytes2 = ((double)dbytes + (avg_pvop - dbytes) * rc->param.curve_compression_low / 100.0); } } if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) { dbytes2 *= avg_bvop / avg_pvop; } if (dbytes2 < rc->min_length[s->type-1]) { dbytes = rc->min_length[s->type-1]; } total2 += dbytes2; } } rc->curve_comp_scale = total1 / total2; if (!rc->param.use_alt_curve) { printf("middle frame size for asymmetric curve compression: %i", (int)(avg_pvop * rc->curve_comp_scale)); } }*/ static void print_stats(rc_2pass2_t * rc) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rc->num_frames; i++) { stat_t * s = &rc->stats[i]; printf("%i %i %i %i\n", s->type, s->quant, s->length, s->scaled_length); } } /* pre-process the statistics data this is a clone of vfw/src/2pass.c:codec_2pass_init minus file reading, alt_curve, internal scale */ void pre_process(rc_2pass2_t * rc) { int i,j; double total1, total2; uint64_t ivop_boost_total; ivop_boost_total = 0; rc->curve_comp_error = 0; for (i=0; i<3; i++) { rc->count[i]=0; rc->tot_length[i] = 0; rc->tot_scaled_length[i] = 0; rc->last_quant[i] = 0; } for (i=0; i<32;i++) { rc->pquant_error[i] = 0; rc->bquant_error[i] = 0; rc->quant_count[i] = 0; } for (i=j=0; inum_frames; i++) { stat_t * s = &rc->stats[i]; rc->count[s->type-1]++; rc->tot_length[s->type-1] += s->length; rc->tot_scaled_length[s->type-1] += s->scaled_length; if (i == 0 || s->length < rc->min_length[s->type-1]) { rc->min_length[s->type-1] = s->length; } if (i == 0 || s->length > rc->max_length) { rc->max_length = s->length; } if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { ivop_boost_total += s->scaled_length * rc->param.keyframe_boost / 100; rc->keyframe_locations[j] = i; j++; } } rc->keyframe_locations[j] = i; rc->movie_curve = ((double)(rc->tot_scaled_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] + rc->tot_scaled_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1] + ivop_boost_total) / (rc->tot_scaled_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] + rc->tot_scaled_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1])); for(i=0; i<3; i++) { if (rc->count[i] == 0 || rc->movie_curve == 0) { rc->avg_length[i] = 1; }else{ rc->avg_length[i] = rc->tot_scaled_length[i] / rc->count[i] / rc->movie_curve; } } printf("--\n"); /* alt curve stuff here */ if (rc->param.use_alt_curve) { const double avg_pvop = rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; const uint64_t tot_pvop = rc->tot_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; const uint64_t tot_bvop = rc->tot_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]; const uint64_t tot_scaled_pvop = rc->tot_scaled_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; const uint64_t tot_scaled_bvop = rc->tot_scaled_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]; rc->alt_curve_low = avg_pvop - avg_pvop * (double)rc->param.alt_curve_low_dist / 100.0; rc->alt_curve_low_diff = avg_pvop - rc->alt_curve_low; rc->alt_curve_high = avg_pvop + avg_pvop * (double)rc->param.alt_curve_high_dist / 100.0; rc->alt_curve_high_diff = rc->alt_curve_high - avg_pvop; if (rc->param.alt_curve_use_auto) { if (tot_bvop + tot_pvop > tot_scaled_bvop + tot_scaled_pvop) { rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual = (int)(100.0 - (100.0 - 100.0 / ((double)(tot_pvop + tot_bvop) / (double)(tot_scaled_pvop + tot_scaled_bvop))) * (double)rc->param.alt_curve_auto_str / 100.0); if (rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual < 20) rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual = 20; }else{ rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual = 100; } } rc->alt_curve_mid_qual = (1.0 + (double)rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual / 100.0) / 2.0; rc->alt_curve_qual_dev = 1.0 - rc->alt_curve_mid_qual; if (rc->param.alt_curve_low_dist > 100) { switch(rc->param.alt_curve_type) { case XVID_CURVE_SINE: // Sine Curve (high aggressiveness) rc->alt_curve_qual_dev *= 2.0 / (1.0 + sin(DEG2RAD * (avg_pvop * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff))); rc->alt_curve_mid_qual = 1.0 - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * sin(DEG2RAD * (avg_pvop * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff)); break; case XVID_CURVE_LINEAR: // Linear (medium aggressiveness) rc->alt_curve_qual_dev *= 2.0 / (1.0 + avg_pvop / rc->alt_curve_low_diff); rc->alt_curve_mid_qual = 1.0 - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * avg_pvop / rc->alt_curve_low_diff; break; case XVID_CURVE_COSINE: // Cosine Curve (low aggressiveness) rc->alt_curve_qual_dev *= 2.0 / (1.0 + (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * (avg_pvop * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff)))); rc->alt_curve_mid_qual = 1.0 - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * (avg_pvop * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff))); } } } /* --- */ total1=total2=0; for (i=j=0; inum_frames; i++) { stat_t * s = &rc->stats[i]; if (s->type != XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { double dbytes,dbytes2; dbytes = s->scaled_length / rc->movie_curve; dbytes2 = 0; /* XXX: warning */ total1 += dbytes; if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) dbytes *= rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] / rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]; if (rc->param.use_alt_curve) { if (dbytes > rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) { if (dbytes >= rc->alt_curve_high) { dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev); }else{ switch(rc->param.alt_curve_type) { case XVID_CURVE_SINE : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * sin(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_high_diff))); break; case XVID_CURVE_LINEAR : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) / rc->alt_curve_high_diff); break; case XVID_CURVE_COSINE : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_high_diff)))); } } }else{ if (dbytes <= rc->alt_curve_low) { dbytes2 = dbytes; }else{ switch(rc->param.alt_curve_type) { case XVID_CURVE_SINE : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * sin(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff))); break; case XVID_CURVE_LINEAR : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) / rc->alt_curve_low_diff); break; case XVID_CURVE_COSINE : dbytes2 = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual + rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff)))); } } } }else{ if (dbytes > rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) { dbytes2=((double)dbytes + (rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] - dbytes) * rc->param.curve_compression_high / 100.0); }else{ dbytes2 = ((double)dbytes + (rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] - dbytes) * rc->param.curve_compression_low / 100.0); } } if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) { dbytes2 *= rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1] / rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; if (dbytes2 < rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]) dbytes2 = rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]; }else{ if (dbytes2 < rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) dbytes2 = rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; } total2 += dbytes2; } } rc->curve_comp_scale = total1 / total2; if (!rc->param.use_alt_curve) { printf("middle frame size for asymmetric curve compression: %i\n", (int)(rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] * rc->curve_comp_scale)); } if (rc->param.use_alt_curve) { int bonus_bias = rc->param.alt_curve_bonus_bias; int oldquant = 1; if (rc->param.alt_curve_use_auto_bonus_bias) bonus_bias = rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual; rc->alt_curve_curve_bias_bonus = (total1 - total2) * (double)bonus_bias / 100.0 / (double)(rc->num_frames /* - credits_frames */ - rc->num_keyframes); rc->curve_comp_scale = ((total1 - total2) * (1.0 - (double)bonus_bias / 100.0) + total2) / total2; /* special info for alt curve: bias bonus and quantizer thresholds */ printf("avg scaled framesize:%i", (int)rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]); printf("bias bonus:%i bytes", (int)rc->alt_curve_curve_bias_bonus); for (i=1; i <= (int)(rc->alt_curve_high*2)+1; i++) { double curve_temp, dbytes; int newquant; dbytes = i; if (dbytes > rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) { if (dbytes >= rc->alt_curve_high) { curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev); }else{ switch(rc->param.alt_curve_type) { case XVID_CURVE_SINE : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * sin(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_high_diff))); break; case XVID_CURVE_LINEAR : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) / rc->alt_curve_high_diff); break; case XVID_CURVE_COSINE : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_high_diff)))); } } }else{ if (dbytes <= rc->alt_curve_low) { curve_temp = dbytes; }else{ switch(rc->param.alt_curve_type) { case XVID_CURVE_SINE : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * sin(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff))); break; case XVID_CURVE_LINEAR : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) / rc->alt_curve_low_diff); break; case XVID_CURVE_COSINE : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual + rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff)))); } } } if (rc->movie_curve > 1.0) dbytes *= rc->movie_curve; newquant = (int)(dbytes * 2.0 / (curve_temp * rc->curve_comp_scale + rc->alt_curve_curve_bias_bonus)); if (newquant > 1) { if (newquant != oldquant) { int percent = (int)((i - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 100.0 / rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]); oldquant = newquant; printf("quant:%i threshold at %i : %i percent", newquant, i, percent); } } } } rc->overflow = 0; rc->KFoverflow = 0; rc->KFoverflow_partial = 0; rc->KF_idx = 1; } static int rc_2pass2_create(xvid_plg_create_t * create, rc_2pass2_t ** handle) { xvid_plugin_2pass2_t * param = (xvid_plugin_2pass2_t *)create->param; rc_2pass2_t * rc; rc = malloc(sizeof(rc_2pass2_t)); if (rc == NULL) return XVID_ERR_MEMORY; rc->param = *param; if (rc->param.keyframe_boost <= 0) rc->param.keyframe_boost = 0; if (rc->param.payback_method <= 0) rc->param.payback_method = XVID_PAYBACK_PROP; if (rc->param.bitrate_payback_delay <= 0) rc->param.bitrate_payback_delay = 250; if (rc->param.curve_compression_high <= 0) rc->param.curve_compression_high = 0; if (rc->param.curve_compression_low <= 0) rc->param.curve_compression_low = 0; if (rc->param.max_overflow_improvement <= 0) rc->param.max_overflow_improvement = 60; if (rc->param.max_overflow_degradation <= 0) rc->param.max_overflow_degradation = 60; if (rc->param.min_quant[0] <= 0) rc->param.min_quant[0] = 2; if (rc->param.max_quant[0] <= 0) rc->param.max_quant[0] = 31; if (rc->param.min_quant[1] <= 0) rc->param.min_quant[1] = 2; if (rc->param.max_quant[1] <= 0) rc->param.max_quant[1] = 31; if (rc->param.min_quant[2] <= 0) rc->param.min_quant[2] = 2; if (rc->param.max_quant[2] <= 0) rc->param.max_quant[2] = 31; if (rc->param.use_alt_curve <= 0) rc->param.use_alt_curve = 0; if (rc->param.alt_curve_high_dist <= 0) rc->param.alt_curve_high_dist = 500; if (rc->param.alt_curve_low_dist <= 0) rc->param.alt_curve_low_dist = 90; if (rc->param.alt_curve_use_auto <= 0) rc->param.alt_curve_use_auto = 1; if (rc->param.alt_curve_auto_str <= 0) rc->param.alt_curve_auto_str = 30; if (rc->param.alt_curve_type <= 0) rc->param.alt_curve_type = XVID_CURVE_LINEAR; if (rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual <= 0) rc->param.alt_curve_min_rel_qual = 50; if (rc->param.alt_curve_use_auto_bonus_bias <= 0) rc->param.alt_curve_use_auto_bonus_bias = 1; if (rc->param.alt_curve_bonus_bias <= 0) rc->param.alt_curve_bonus_bias = 50; if (rc->param.kftreshold <= 0) rc->param.kftreshold = 10; if (rc->param.kfreduction <= 0) rc->param.kfreduction = 20; if (rc->param.min_key_interval <= 0) rc->param.min_key_interval = 300; if (!det_stats_length(rc, param->filename1)){ DPRINTF(DPRINTF_RC,"fopen %s failed\n", param->filename1); free(rc); return XVID_ERR_FAIL; } if ((rc->stats = malloc(rc->num_frames * sizeof(stat_t))) == NULL) { free(rc); return XVID_ERR_MEMORY; } /* XXX: do we need an addition location */ if ((rc->keyframe_locations = malloc((rc->num_keyframes + 1) * sizeof(int))) == NULL) { free(rc->stats); free(rc); return XVID_ERR_MEMORY; } if (!load_stats(rc, param->filename1, param->filename2)) { DPRINTF(DPRINTF_RC,"fopen %s,%s failed\n", param->filename1, param->filename2); free(rc->keyframe_locations); free(rc->stats); free(rc); return XVID_ERR_FAIL; } /* pre-process our stats */ pre_process(rc); *handle = rc; return(0); } static int rc_2pass2_destroy(rc_2pass2_t * rc, xvid_plg_destroy_t * destroy) { free(rc->keyframe_locations); free(rc->stats); free(rc); return(0); } static int rc_2pass2_before(rc_2pass2_t * rc, xvid_plg_data_t * data) { stat_t * s = &rc->stats[data->frame_num]; int overflow; int desired; double dbytes; double curve_temp; int capped_to_max_framesize = 0; if (data->frame_num >= rc->num_frames) { /* insufficent stats data */ return 0; } overflow = rc->overflow / 8; /* XXX: why by 8 */ if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { /* XXX: why */ overflow = 0; } desired = s->scaled_length; dbytes = desired; if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { dbytes += desired * rc->param.keyframe_boost / 100; } dbytes /= rc->movie_curve; if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) { dbytes *= rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] / rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1]; } if (rc->param.payback_method == XVID_PAYBACK_BIAS) { desired =(int)(rc->curve_comp_error / rc->param.bitrate_payback_delay); }else{ desired = (int)(rc->curve_comp_error * dbytes / rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] / rc->param.bitrate_payback_delay); if (labs(desired) > fabs(rc->curve_comp_error)) { desired = (int)rc->curve_comp_error; } } rc->curve_comp_error -= desired; /* alt curve */ curve_temp = 0; /* XXX: warning */ if (rc->param.use_alt_curve) { if (s->type != XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { if (dbytes > rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) { if (dbytes >= rc->alt_curve_high) { curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev); }else{ switch(rc->param.alt_curve_type) { case XVID_CURVE_SINE : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * sin(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_high_diff))); break; case XVID_CURVE_LINEAR : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) / rc->alt_curve_high_diff); break; case XVID_CURVE_COSINE : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_high_diff)))); } } }else{ if (dbytes <= rc->alt_curve_low){ curve_temp = dbytes; }else{ switch(rc->param.alt_curve_type) { case XVID_CURVE_SINE : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * sin(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff))); break; case XVID_CURVE_LINEAR : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual - rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) / rc->alt_curve_low_diff); break; case XVID_CURVE_COSINE : curve_temp = dbytes * (rc->alt_curve_mid_qual + rc->alt_curve_qual_dev * (1.0 - cos(DEG2RAD * ((dbytes - rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) * 90.0 / rc->alt_curve_low_diff)))); } } } if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) curve_temp *= rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1] / rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; curve_temp = curve_temp * rc->curve_comp_scale + rc->alt_curve_curve_bias_bonus; desired += ((int)curve_temp); rc->curve_comp_error += curve_temp - (int)curve_temp; }else{ if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP) dbytes *= rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1] / rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; desired += ((int)dbytes); rc->curve_comp_error += dbytes - (int)dbytes; } }else if ((rc->param.curve_compression_high + rc->param.curve_compression_low) && s->type != XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { curve_temp = rc->curve_comp_scale; if (dbytes > rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]) { curve_temp *= ((double)dbytes + (rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] - dbytes) * rc->param.curve_compression_high / 100.0); } else { curve_temp *= ((double)dbytes + (rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1] - dbytes) * rc->param.curve_compression_low / 100.0); } if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP){ curve_temp *= rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1] / rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; } desired += (int)curve_temp; rc->curve_comp_error += curve_temp - (int)curve_temp; }else{ if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_BVOP){ dbytes *= rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_BVOP-1] / rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]; } desired += (int)dbytes; rc->curve_comp_error += dbytes - (int)dbytes; } if (desired > s->length){ rc->curve_comp_error += desired - s->length; desired = s->length; }else{ if (desired < rc->min_length[s->type-1]) { if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP){ rc->curve_comp_error -= rc->min_length[XVID_TYPE_IVOP-1] - desired; } desired = rc->min_length[s->type-1]; } } s->desired_length = desired; /* if this keyframe is too close to the next, reduce it's byte allotment XXX: why do we do this after setting the desired length */ if (s->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { int KFdistance = rc->keyframe_locations[rc->KF_idx] - rc->keyframe_locations[rc->KF_idx - 1]; if (KFdistance < rc->param.kftreshold) { KFdistance = KFdistance - rc->param.min_key_interval; if (KFdistance >= 0) { int KF_min_size; KF_min_size = desired * (100 - rc->param.kfreduction) / 100; if (KF_min_size < 1) KF_min_size = 1; desired = KF_min_size + (desired - KF_min_size) * KFdistance / (rc->param.kftreshold - rc->param.min_key_interval); if (desired < 1) desired = 1; } } } overflow = (int)((double)overflow * desired / rc->avg_length[XVID_TYPE_PVOP-1]); // Foxer: reign in overflow with huge frames if (labs(overflow) > labs(rc->overflow)) { overflow = rc->overflow; } // Foxer: make sure overflow doesn't run away if (overflow > desired * rc->param.max_overflow_improvement / 100) { desired += (overflow <= desired) ? desired * rc->param.max_overflow_improvement / 100 : overflow * rc->param.max_overflow_improvement / 100; }else if (overflow < desired * rc->param.max_overflow_degradation / -100){ desired += desired * rc->param.max_overflow_degradation / -100; }else{ desired += overflow; } if (desired > rc->max_length) { capped_to_max_framesize = 1; desired = rc->max_length; } // make sure to not scale below the minimum framesize if (desired < rc->min_length[s->type-1]) { desired = rc->min_length[s->type-1]; } // very 'simple' quant<->filesize relationship data->quant= (s->quant * s->length) / desired; if (data->quant < 1) { data->quant = 1; } else if (data->quant > 31) { data->quant = 31; } else if (s->type != XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { // Foxer: aid desired quantizer precision by accumulating decision error if (s->type== XVID_TYPE_BVOP) { rc->bquant_error[data->quant] += ((double)(s->quant * s->length) / desired) - data->quant; if (rc->bquant_error[data->quant] >= 1.0) { rc->bquant_error[data->quant] -= 1.0; data->quant++; } }else{ rc->pquant_error[data->quant] += ((double)(s->quant * s->length) / desired) - data->quant; if (rc->pquant_error[data->quant] >= 1.0) { rc->pquant_error[data->quant] -= 1.0; ++data->quant; } } } /* cap to min/max quant */ if (data->quant < rc->param.min_quant[s->type-1]) { data->quant = rc->param.min_quant[s->type-1]; }else if (data->quant > rc->param.max_quant[s->type-1]) { data->quant = rc->param.max_quant[s->type-1]; } /* subsequent p/b frame quants can only be +- 2 */ if (s->type != XVID_TYPE_IVOP && rc->last_quant[s->type-1] && capped_to_max_framesize == 0) { if (data->quant > rc->last_quant[s->type-1] + 2) { data->quant = rc->last_quant[s->type-1] + 2; DPRINTF(DPRINTF_RC, "p/b-frame quantizer prevented from rising too steeply"); } if (data->quant < rc->last_quant[s->type-1] - 2) { data->quant = rc->last_quant[s->type-1] - 2; DPRINTF(DPRINTF_RC, "p/b-frame quantizer prevented from falling too steeply"); } } if (capped_to_max_framesize == 0) { rc->last_quant[s->type-1] = data->quant; } return 0; } static int rc_2pass2_after(rc_2pass2_t * rc, xvid_plg_data_t * data) { stat_t * s = &rc->stats[data->frame_num]; if (data->frame_num >= rc->num_frames) { /* insufficent stats data */ return 0; } rc->quant_count[data->quant]++; if (data->type == XVID_TYPE_IVOP) { int kfdiff = (rc->keyframe_locations[rc->KF_idx] - rc->keyframe_locations[rc->KF_idx - 1]); rc->overflow += rc->KFoverflow; rc->KFoverflow = s->desired_length - data->length; if (kfdiff > 1) { // non-consecutive keyframes rc->KFoverflow_partial = rc->KFoverflow / (kfdiff - 1); }else{ // consecutive keyframes rc->overflow += rc->KFoverflow; rc->KFoverflow = 0; rc->KFoverflow_partial = 0; } rc->KF_idx++; }else{ // distribute part of the keyframe overflow rc->overflow += s->desired_length - data->length + rc->KFoverflow_partial; rc->KFoverflow -= rc->KFoverflow_partial; } printf("[%i] quant:%i stats1:%i scaled:%i actual:%i overflow:%i\n", data->frame_num, data->quant, s->length, s->scaled_length, data->length, rc->overflow); return(0); } int xvid_plugin_2pass2(void * handle, int opt, void * param1, void * param2) { switch(opt) { case XVID_PLG_INFO : return 0; case XVID_PLG_CREATE : return rc_2pass2_create((xvid_plg_create_t*)param1, param2); case XVID_PLG_DESTROY : return rc_2pass2_destroy((rc_2pass2_t*)handle, (xvid_plg_destroy_t*)param1); case XVID_PLG_BEFORE : return rc_2pass2_before((rc_2pass2_t*)handle, (xvid_plg_data_t*)param1); case XVID_PLG_AFTER : return rc_2pass2_after((rc_2pass2_t*)handle, (xvid_plg_data_t*)param1); } return XVID_ERR_FAIL; }